Our team of industry-recognised experts produce awareness and training materials of the highest quality. We are confident that our courses and your learning experience will reflect this. If you are not fully satisfied, we will provide you with a free place, on the same course, within 6 months of the original course date. You will be able to use your original course material unless there have been substantial changes, upon which you will be provided with updated material, free of charge.
Siker recognise our responsibility to both clients and ourselves, to ensure our awareness and training material is the best it can be. We invite every attendee or client to evaluate that material, the overall course and the instructors or consultants. It is only by consistently analysing and utilising the feedback and data that we can maintain the quality by identifying any areas where change is needed.
If you are dissatisfied with any of our services or material, then please inform us within 28 days of delivery and Siker will:
- Provide a point of contact who will review all elements of your issue within 3 days of receipt.
- Contact you with their initial findings and work with you to identify a solution that fits your original learning objectives.
- Aim to achieve a resolution that is satisfactory within 5 working days. If this is not possible, then we will work with you to agree an action plan and keep you updated with progress against it.
- If we have failed to meet our high quality standards, you will be offered a full refund.