Our Vision
Remains constant: to rapidly become one of the premier companies in our industry. Read more
It is our vision to assist Nations, Governments and Organisations around the globe to identify and address their exposure to all elements of cyber crime, reduce their attack surface through structured programmes of education, comply with local and international regulation and change the way they work to build a culture that addresses cyber in the same way we address safety.
Siker are a company proud of our roots, starting life as HS and TC in 2013 and then, in early 2018, separating out to form the Intelligence and Security arm of the HS and TC Group under the branded name ‘Siker’. We have a history of helping our clients to assess, identify and close the gaps in cyber skills that protects them and reduces their attack surface.
The nature of those threats is continually changing and the traditional physical threats have now morphed into cyber-space being carried out by organised groups often backed by state-level support. This has led to a large reduction in the effectiveness of traditional security technology over the past decade. There is a changing skill set emerging in most industry sectors, Where staff 30 years ago had to ‘learn’ computing in the traditional way, the next generation have simply grown up with as part of their day-to-day life, bringing a different view of the problem. There is an expectation around use of technology, especially mobile technology, in the workplace which brings a raised risk profile if not addressed.
Our Mission
Is to work with our clients to provide them with a full understanding of the risks they face.
To help us achieve this we have a Group Strategic Framework consisting of clear elements of strategy which are:
- Maintain and grow our intelligence and security businesses
- Continue to grow our core business in adjacent markets
- Expand and develop our international businesses
- Develop a diverse, skilled workforce to enable success
- Grow financial performance and deliver growth in shareholder value
These strategic elements interweave and tie together to provide a strong foundation for our three strategic priorities:
- Drive and achieve a defined level of operational excellence
- Continuously improve efficiency and competitiveness to cement our position in the market
- Advance our technology to stay in the forefront
Supporting every activity are our five values – Excellence; Community; Service; Independence and Accessibility. By strongly upholding these and by being humble enough to understand that it isn’t necessarily what we do or say but how we do it that will always underpin our growth and future success.